Get more website leads with our AI

Success guarantee | Risk free trial | No credit card needed

Success guarantee.
Risk free trial.
No credit card needed.

Our clients

Deliver better customer service & get more leads!

Aia is an AI that answers questions about your organization and helps people contact you 24-7. Aia will boost your inbound leads – Guaranteed!*

“…We’re getting very high quality leads from this tool. …I would highly recommend installing AI on your website…”

Managing Partner at J.Rotbart & Co.

Get More Leads &
Understand Your Audience Better!

Aia boosts your understanding of your audience by showing you what they’re actually interested in knowing.

Aia converts your website visitors into leads by answering people’s questions helpfully and quickly, and by offering them a fast and easy way to contact you. 

24-7 Customer Support 

Aia is always-on and available to respond to inquiries, and handles multiple inquiries in parallel.

6 Second

Response time

Aia provides consistent and correct customer support much faster than any other method.


Aia answers questions in +50 languages, providing fully multi-lingual support for your website, regardless of your source language.

Our Guarantee

We guarantee you’ll get more leads from your website in your 1st month with us.

We’re confident we can help you beat your leads benchmark, so we’re happy to let you try Aia for 1 month risk-free! Fill the form and you’ll hear from us in <24 hrs. 

“…Aia has made our service accessible to non-English speakers and boosted user engagement. Its impact has been notable! …”


Give Answers Faster

With Aia you gain a 24-7 sales rep that answers prospects’ questions instantly. Aia even suggests smart follow-up questions that relate to your prospects’ initial inquiry.

Give Reliable Info

Aia answers people’s questions based on your website’s approved content, ensuring 100% correct and consistent replies.

Talk Their Language

Aia greets people in their local language, and gives support in 50+ languages. No matter the language of your website, no additional translation is required.

“…The leads you get from the AI are really interesting. …The AI replaces your receptionist, replaces your sales guy…”

Managing Director at Alcami Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Aia Turns Your Visitors into Leads

We guarantee you’ll get more leads from your website in your 1st month with Aia.
Don’t believe us? Try it!

By answering people’s questions about your organization helpfully and quickly, Aia encourages them to request a call-back from your team:

  • Aia delivers a uniquely efficient brand-experience on your behalf.
  • Aia builds people’s confidence in your team and offers.
  • Aia encourages people to request a call back.

Working With Aia is Easy

Aia is tailored for the needs of B2B professionals and can be up and running on your website in just 24 hours.

Aia uses you using your existing email and whatsapp for communications, so there’s nothing new you need to log in to or learn in order to get the benefits.

Features, Customization & White-Labeling

Instant Lead Notification

Whenever a lead requests a call-back from Aia, she collects their name, email, and message. Aia emails you these details instantly for your evaluation and follow-up. The alert email includes your lead’s chat transcript, so you have the context of their inquiry, and can respond appropriately.

Daily Chats Email

To help you learn what your website visitors really care about, Aia emails you chat summaries daily. Reviewing these transcripts helps you understand what interests your audience the most.

Lead Focused Chat

To maximize inbound leads, Aia only engages users with options that are relevant to their chat.

Monthly Performance Report

Aia emails you her performance and value-delivered stats every month. 

Match Your Brand

You can ask us to white-label Aia’s icon, colors, fonts and welcome messages to match your branding.

CRM integration

Aia emails you leads she collects by default. You can ask us to also send your inbound leads to your existing CRM (e.g. Hubspot, Odoo, Pipedrive, etc.)

Custom Lead Qualification

Aia collects leads’ names, emails, and messages by default. You can ask us to customize your leads to include more details, such as: company, phone, etc.


Aia understands and talks over 50 languages. Her default “Hello” message includes a greeting in your visitor's native language, regardless of which country they’re from.

Hosting & Compliance

Aia’s front-end components are hosted on AWS within Europe, adhering to strict EU data protection laws and GDPR.

For more details see our privacy policy. For a full tech breakdown please contact us.

“…We’re finding that it’s working extremely well. We’re having several interesting inquiries into our work … and we’re involved with climate change, so it’s quite complex … this AI is working very well for us…”
Olivia Fussell

CEO, CarbonCreditCapital


Yes, Aia can be customized to match your brand guidelines, and can even be white-labeled. Talk to us about the Enterprise package for more details. 
Yes, Aia’s call back functions and lead-generation form can be customized to your requirements. Aia  can even be white-labeled to match your branding. Talk to us about the Enterprise package for more details.

Yes, you can provide us with your proprietary web-pages and documents for the purpose of training your Aia assistant.

Of course! 

Our company presentation is available here (Dowloads a PDF from Google Slides) 

We use an advanced encryption standard with a 256-bit key to encrypt all data during REST. Data in transit is protected using TLS 1.2 or higher, safeguarding data as it moves between networks.
We train Aia by using information that’s already publicly available on your website. You may also provide us with additional information you want included in Aia’s training data.
Aia’s accuracy and reliability are derived from your website. The publicly accessible content on your website is the training data we use to teach Aia about your business. By reviewing the daily chat transcript emails Aia sends to you, you can validate the quality of answers Aia is providing, and request whatever tweaks and changes are required.

If you’re not seeing the assistant on a website where it’s active, this might be due to a false-positive from your web monitoring software. This is easily solved by setting up an exception to allow the assistant to appear.
Learn more here:

Aia front-end components are hosted on AWS within Europe, adhering to strict EU data protection laws & GDPR.

In an effort to support those working to make our world a better place we’re happy to offer registered charities access to our solution at no cost. To apply please contact us


Aia is delivered as software-as-a-service with monthly fees as detailed. A one-time setup fee of $288 is required for all accounts. Charities are eligible for our forever free offer – Contact us for details
Brand / Charity
Daily transcript email 
Monthly performance email 
Maximum leads per month 


Custom lead-form fields 
Use your own branding, 
greeting text & video 




1-Time setup

Monthly retainer


See It For

Our Story

Aia is an AI that helps B2B companies get more leads from their websites. Aia is a joint venture between James Wood, MD at VRG, and Mike Darnell MD at